Frequent Questions
How do I get over the fear of going to a chiropractor?
Being fearful of a new experience is a normal reaction. Asking questions and voicing concerns can help alleviate initial fear. Talking one on one with your health care provider will create greater trust and an open line of communication for healing to begin. Many chiropractic techniques can be modified and personalized for each individual to meet their comfort level, and voicing your comfort levels is important to decrease fear and increase understanding.
What to expect at a chiropractic appointment?
An initial appointment will begin with intake paper work. Upon completion an evaluation of intake forms, and a one on one consult will begin. This consult will consist of, but not limited to, thorough history of present conditions, range of motion assessment, posture screen, orthopedic test, and palpation findings. This information will lead to a diagnosis where a treatment plan will then be recommended and chiropractic care provided.
How many times will I have to go to the chiropractor?
Upon initial assessment a treatment plan will be given with an individualized plan. Every individual is unique, and treatment plans will vary considerable depending upon ones own daily activities, lifestyle, and preexisting conditions. First and foremost health and well being begins with you and your day to day activities starting with sleep, nutrition, stress, and exercise. These factor play a major role in recovery, well being, pain management, and your body’s ability to adapt, overcome, and hold a chiropractic adjustment.
Is soreness normal after a chiropractic adjustment?
Yes, soreness around the area adjusted sometimes does occur after an adjustment. This is dependent on inflammation around the restricted joints, level of tension in the surrounded muscles, and a response to your body reestablishing a changed postural position (similar to working out a new muscle group). While soreness does occur increased pain should not, and if feeling increased pain after an adjustment please reach back out to your chiropractic physician for a reevaluation and assessment of the region adjusted.